Every time we visited Paris in the past, a spell of sorts was cast over us. We found ourselves in awe at every landmark, even if it wasn’t the first time we had seen it in person.
The city always inspired curiosity, a desire to wander forever, to try every food, and to go inside tourist attractions, especially if visiting hours were already over for the day.
So when we began work on our second colour-in book, Lost in Paris, we felt that spell being cast over us again.
While jotting down notes, sketching landmarks and discovering more of Paris’s famous streets and beautiful parks, there were times when it was hard to resist putting down the pen, closing the laptop screen and jetting off to the City of Lights just one more time.
Although there is no substitute for the real thing, with our latest outing, we’ve taken great care to try to create a realistic walk-through of Paris’s incredible architecture.